Our Clients

Recent Customer Success Stories
What our Clients Are Saying About Us
Mia Taylor, MSN, FNP-BC, APRN-RX, Director, Community & Post-Acute Care Services
The Queen’s Health Systems
“Health Catalyst has demonstrated the value of data analytics in the clinical setting. EMRs are not built to perform the type of analytics we need to improve the health of populations.”
Patrick McGill, MD, Chief Analytics Officer
Community Health Network
“Until we had the data to drive improvements it was difficult to impact change, but having that data was a pivotal moment that created a shift in our improvement journey. Through those organizational improvement efforts, we estimate that we have saved over 400 lives, touched approximately 400,000 lives, and saved approximately $35-40 million.”
Matthew Ing, MD, VP of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer
The Queen’s Medical Center
“By leveraging our data and analytics, we’ve been able to significantly improve patient flow—reducing length of stay, decreasing costs, and increasing revenue—all leading to enhanced healthcare delivery and an improved patient experience.”
Myra Davis, Chief Information Officer
Texas Children’s Hospital
“Implementing an analytics platform should really be an appendix to the implementation of an EHR because the surge of data is just unbelievable and the appetite for it is huge.”
Meet Some of Our Clients
*Representative customer list as of 01/26/25.